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Employee Training: Why You Should Include Video - WeVideo

Written by WeVideo | Mar 26, 2024 8:15:24 PM

Employee training keeps team members on the same page and gives them the information they need to do good work. However, the rapid pace of change in how we learn demands a fresh approach to ensure training is effective. This is where video shines.

In this article, we'll explore how video transforms learning. Discover how video is changing the way organizations train their workforce. Plus, get tips to help you make video part of your organization’s employee training strategy.

What is employee training?

Employee training is an investment in a company's workforce to develop employees' capabilities. This way, team members can perform their roles more effectively and contribute to business success. In the past, training efforts always took place on the job. They focused on the tasks that needed to be done in the moment. Now, training often happens before employees start work and continues throughout their professional journey. 

Providing employees opportunities to expand their skills and stay current on industry trends benefits everyone. Employees and organizations alike adapt more easily when they have access to the latest information. Training also demonstrates a commitment to professional development. This boosts job satisfaction and retention.

Unfortunately, the necessity of employee training and its value isn’t always understood. One common misconception is that it's a one-time event. The truth is that effective training is an ongoing process. It requires regular reinforcement and refinement to have maximum impact.

3 benefits of employee training and development

Wondering what to expect when you prioritize effective employee training? Take a look at some of the common benefits. 

1. Improved employee performance and productivity

Employee training boosts performance and productivity in an organization. Training equips employees with the necessary knowledge and tools to excel in their roles. As employees learn, they complete tasks more efficiently.

Training that happens on a regular basis also helps employees stay current on industry best practices. This allows them to maintain high levels of performance, even if things in your industry are shifting. In fact, 59% of employees believe that more training improves their performance.

2. Enhanced employee satisfaction and retention

Investing in employee training shows a commitment to professional development and well-being. When employees feel that their employer supports them, they’re more likely to be satisfied with their job.

Satisfied employees are also team members who want to stay with their company longer. In fact, research shows that 45% of workers would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development. Prioritize employee training, and you have a good chance of seeing lower turnover and experiencing greater employee loyalty.

3. Cost savings

Benefits like productivity, job satisfaction, and retention aren’t just morale boosters. Employee training offers compelling cost savings. It’s estimated that employee turnover costs employers about 33% of an employee’s annual salary.

Trained employees also require fewer resources to accomplish tasks and deliver results. When employees have everything they need to do their best work, they serve customers better and make progress on projects faster.

Why use video in employee training?

Video is revolutionizing how organizations deliver educational content to employees. Unlike text-based materials, video enables learners to visualize complex concepts and processes in action. This leads to better retention and clarity.

Interactive video also boosts engagement through elements like quizzes, simulations, and branching scenarios, keeping learners actively involved throughout the process. When using video-based training, organizations maximize learning outcomes, improve employee performance, and drive success at a faster rate.

Types of employee training

Employee training and development takes many forms. Here are a few different employee training options, along with why they matter.

1. Onboarding and orientation training

Onboarding and orientation are crucial. These programs may cover culture, policies, procedures, and expectations. Comprehensive onboarding and orientation set the stage for how your workplace operates. They support long-term success and retention of employees.

2. Job-specific training

Job-specific training equips employees for their specific roles. These programs are tailored to each position. They may cover technical skills, soft skills, or both. The goal is to enhance employees' capabilities, confidence, and performance — all to drive success and help team members align with your standards.

3. Compliance and regulatory training

Compliance and regulatory training ensure employees understand relevant requirements. This training is critical in highly regulated industries. Non-compliance with laws or industry requirements leads to problems like legal issues and fines. This type of training covers topics like workplace safety, data protection, inclusivity, and ethical conduct. 

4. Leadership and management development

Leadership and management development programs support the skills, qualities, and behaviors needed to move up in a company. These programs target emerging leaders, mid-level managers, or senior executives.

Leadership development focuses on competencies like communication, decision-making, strategic thinking, and team management. By investing in leadership and management development, organizations nurture talent pipelines and sustain growth. 

Modes of delivery for employee training

Thinking about how you want to put together employee training and development programs for your organization? Consider these delivery models.

1. Synchronous training

Synchronous training involves real-time activities. Participants connect simultaneously, either in person or virtually. This allows direct interaction between trainers and trainees while they participate in things like reviewing videos or completing assessments. Synchronous training is ideal if you want team members to have the opportunity to build relationships and get feedback in right away.

2. Asynchronous training

Asynchronous training puts self-paced learning front and center. That means employees complete activities on their own schedule. There's no requirement for simultaneous participation. This type of training may include options like video tutorials and online quizzes. Since people can choose to do the work at a convenient time, synchronous training offers flexibility. This makes it an accessible and efficient mode of delivery for busy professionals.

Understanding the similarities and differences between synchronous vs asynchronous learning can help organizations know when and how to use each delivery method. Learn more by reading Synchronous Vs. Asynchronous Learning: What Educators Should Know.

3. Blended learning

Blended learning combines synchronous and asynchronous training. It may include self-paced modules and live sessions. By incorporating multiple delivery methods, blended learning accommodates different learning styles and preferences.

For example, employees could complete a self-paced video course that covers compliance policies. This asynchronous training allows staff to learn the material at their own pace and revisit the content as needed.

Next, the company could host a series of live webinars featuring subject matter experts. These synchronous learning opportunities give trainees time for interactive discussions and Q&A sessions.

4. Microlearning

Microlearning delivers bite-sized content in short bursts. This approach emphasizes concise, targeted learning. It’s designed to address specific objectives or skill gaps. Learners consume them quickly and get to work sooner.

For instance, imagine a series of five-minute video modules covering specific CRM features. One module might focus on how to log a new lead. Another could demonstrate best practices for updating contact information.

Tips for effective employee training videos

Not sure where to start when it comes to video training? Use these tips to create content that supports learning and professional development.

1. Focus on module design

When incorporating video, create short modules covering specific topics. This makes them easily digestible for employees. Also, try using storytelling techniques and real-world examples to bring concepts to life and make learning more relatable.

Imagine an agency that’s bringing on a new employee. They may feature a designer walking through a sample client project, demonstrating how she uses software to stay organized and on top of deliverables.

2. Include interactive elements

Interactive elements and gamification transforms mundane training into engaging experiences. Incorporate quizzes, simulations, and branching scenarios to encourage active participation and reinforce objectives.

For example, imagine a module that starts with a branching scenario. Employees see a task in action and are asked to make a series of decisions about the proper safety procedures to follow. The scenario progresses down different paths, depending on their choices. This gives employees immediate feedback.

3. Personalize experiences

Personalization is key to delivering training that resonates. Start with a needs analysis to identify knowledge gaps. Then, tailor content and delivery to align with learners' preferences and roles. For example, a healthcare organization could take this approach when rolling out new electronic medical records software.

The organization could customize training content to address the unique requirements of each employee group. For nurses, they may develop interactive simulations to walk through common patient scenarios using the EMR tools. A records clerk could see specific processes for adding and updating information.

4. Use analytics

Analytics provide valuable insights. Track metrics like completion rates to make sure employees are viewing the training. If you’re including interactive elements, view responses or quiz scores to check understanding. With analytics, organizations are able to continuously evaluate and refine training initiatives for the best possible results.

If certain modules are seeing lower completion rates or quiz scores, you can identify areas for improvement. From there, it’s possible to make targeted updates so training is more effective. On the flip side, if you connect training with higher productivity, it’s likely that your program is working. 

Ready to add video to your employee training program?

Training works best when you craft it thoughtfully and with engagement in mind. By investing in effective video training programs, businesses empower their team members. Employees gain the skills and knowledge needed to thrive. It’s a win-win for everyone involved in your work environment.