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  • [Test] Experiencing the power of student voice, agency and creativity at the 2018 Global Student Voice Film Festival

[Test] Experiencing the power of student voice, agency and creativity at the 2018 Global Student Voice Film Festival

/ Allison Recker

At WeVideo, we believe that every student has the power to use their voice to make a positive impact in the world. So naturally, we were thrilled to co-sponsor the inaugural Global Student Voice Film Festival along with EdTechTeam, the Student Voice Foundation, and ISTE. The festival gives students from across the world an opportunity to share their perspectives through film, while emphasizing how their ideas can positively impact on the world.
Students in grades K-12 were invited to produce a two-minute film focusing on empathy through the theme of “In Another’s Shoes." The theme was purposefully open-ended, and contest panelists were thrilled to see the range of creative interpretations of the theme. Winners and finalists were announced at the 2018 ISTE conference in Chicago.
The WeVideo team spoke with some of the winners and finalists after the Festival and were truly inspired by what students had to share about their journey in the competition. Here's the highlight video:

Chief Education Officer at WeVideo and board member of the Student Voice Foundation, Dr. Nathan Lang-Raad says, "when students discover their voice, they gain confidence and momentum to learn and share their ideas. I believe the world would be a better place if every student could amplify their voice to impact the world.”

Marc Wagner, CEO of EdTech Team and Vice President of Student Voice Foundation says, "it's not just about helping kids memorize a few things they might need some day but helping them be the ones who are creating, sharing, editing, collaborating, publishing and finding an audience for their thoughts while solving meaningful problems in the world."

It was amazing to see student voice and agency in action at the Festival and within all of the student-created films. Check out all the finalists videos here.

Encourage student voice, agency and creativity among your students. Learn more about WeVideo for Schools.