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PlayPosit by WeVideo

Innovative learning through interactive video

Flexible, scalable, and measurable

Compatible with your tech stack

Aligned with Quality Matters

From our customers
"PlayPosit is a truly intuitive and highly effective solution that has been surpassing all expectations for the entire learning innovation design team since the day we integrated the platform."

Maikel Right FIU Online Associate Director of Instructional Technology and Faculty Fellow
"The features in PlayPosit have been a hit here in DC Public Schools because they allow for all learners–students and adults– to engage with learning in an alternative format."
Sakon Kieh Director of Educational Technology, DCPS
"I am a previous [interactive video platform] user and PlayPosit offers way more and gives so many more options for our teachers including videos and interactions, I am excited to show them!"

Stephanie Harrison Instructional Technology Coach, Spartanburg 5
"Every educator deserves access to top-rated professional learning support. PlayPosit brings our person-to-person coaching model to life asynchronously. The New Teacher Center is proud to be able to offer partners engaging, community-based learning experiences that work for them without sacrificing quality."

New Teacher Center