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  • [Test] Why Your Small Business Needs Video Marketing

[Test] Why Your Small Business Needs Video Marketing

/ Lauren Colman

Don't get left behind. Video is becoming the king of content for marketing teams around the world. Brands are quickly finding out that a well-crafted video can communicate faster and more efficiently than any other kind of content. Videos no longer need to be viral; they simply need to be clear and concise and reflect your brand.

Video marketing, including creation, publishing, and distribution, can seem intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Find out why you and your business need to jump on the video marketing bandwagon.

Video is the Future of Advertising and Content Marketing

Gone are the days of traditional advertising and marketing. Where once marketers were placing ads in the yellow pages, printing fliers, and buying billboards, they are now perfecting PPC campaigns, focusing on keyword-based SEO and drafting web banners.

It's difficult to deny online video's rapid growth. Cisco reported that, by 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic. An increase of marketing revenue going to online video advertising will naturally follow. eMarketer research predicts that  US digital video ad spending will nearly double in only four years. Online video advertising on sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube allow marketers to target specific markets and easily analyze the results of a campaign.

Beyond advertising, videos have made a big splash in the world of content marketing. People have different ways of absorbing information. A video with corresponding written content provides the opportunity for those who prefer reading or watching/listening to walk away with the knowledge you are attempting to impart. Often videos can convey messages faster than written content. By combining both images and words, video marketing is a creative and engaging way to tell your story.

Low Risk, High Reward

A big plus for those starting to introduce video into their content marketing strategy is the low barrier to entry for video creation and publishing. As the demand for video content rises, access to easy and inexpensive ways to create video marketing content increases. Nearly everyone has access to a high-quality camera via their mobile phone. Depending on your editing needs, there are numerous video editing tools available at practically every price point (many even allow you to get started for free).

It's easier than ever to publish your video. No longer are you limited to one place for all of your video content. Vine, Twitter's video-sharing service, and Instagram, now owned by Facebook, are ideal for shorter, snack-sized, video content. Post longer (but not too long) videos to your company's Facebook page, YouTube, Vimeo and more. Of course, the ideal place to publish your video is on your business website. Check out great video hosting services like Wistia that offer advanced business features.

We've established that creating videos isn't exclusive to companies with big budgets and access to professional equipment, but why spend the time? In short, video is one of the best ways to drive people to your site and establish brand awareness.

  • Google ranks pages with video content higher than those without.
  • Videos increase time on site and decrease bounce rate.
  • A video embedded or linked to in an email increases open rates and click-through in addition to reducing unsubscribe rates.
  • Sites with video acquire more leads than those without.

Adding video to your marketing strategy will help with building your brand, engaging prospective customers, and improving your site’s SEO, among many other benefits. Consider your audience when planning your video marketing to ensure you are reaching your ideal client. Keep a watch on the WeVideo blog to learn about the three videos every business should have: product/service demo, company overview, and customer testimonial video.

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