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  • [Test] Use Video To Win the Hearts of Your Customers This Holiday Season

[Test] Use Video To Win the Hearts of Your Customers This Holiday Season

/ Nikolay Tchaouchev

During the holiday season, companies get that this is when the world goes into a buying frenzy, and they need to turn up the marketing-dial to be top of mind for all their current and new potential customers.
With the choice of online and offline media you get to choose from to engage and interact with customers, video can’t be ignored. A well-planned video on YouTube will have the chance to be seen by hundreds and thousands within your town or city, or millions all around the world depending on your market.
Below are 3 major brands that leverage video to entertain, engage, inspire and drive sales every holiday season to help embed ideas into your mind of how your business can do exactly the same.


The new and the old stories of Christmas are blended together Macy’s 2012 Christmas commercial.
The journey starts by giving you an impression it’s the start of the well-known film ‘The Miracle On 34th Street’. But once inside we see Kris Kringle from 1947 has been brought back to the current day, to help assist the new Macy’s store manager get through the Christmas rush.
During the 40 second clip, star appearances are leveraged from the likes of Martha Stewart, Donald Trump, Justin Beiber and Carlos Santana to help keep us glued to the commercial to see who is next.
As an unexpected bonus, if you send Macy’s your wish list to Santa, they will make a donation to the Make a Wish Foundation, a great cause and a great idea by Macy’s.


Now a Mercedes may not be on everybody's Christmas list financially. But their video is something everyone can enjoy.

Mercedes does a great job embracing the holiday spirit even in the automotive industry. Instead of using the celebrity of known musicians and film stars like Macy’s, they have Santa running the show.

Coca Cola

If you were to ask a table of friends which holiday commercial they remember year after year, I’m fairly confident a large percentage would reference the Coca Cola commercials.

Who can forget “The holidays are coming” theme song with the little boy ringing the bell to let everyone know they are coming, the polar bears and the long convoy of illuminated trucks setting out to supply the world for the Christmas session?
What I like about this most is although it is probably the most recognized video at Christmas...Chances are, you probably won’t wrap up a Coke and give it as a present.
So how can your company use video this holiday season?

  • If pop stars aren’t in the budget, leverage celebrity (CEO) within your company or industry
  • Make a company holiday card video, and send it out to all your customers via email from free
  • Use humor and great story to make videos go viral
  • Share a personal and meaningful message about your business that will resonate with viewers
  • Share testimonials you record of customers sharing positive stories and how this may have benefited them this Christmas session
  • Demonstrate how you product or service can help this Christmas such as in decorating the house, making the cooking easier or of course how it can be a great gift.
  • Promote an interactive contest.

Write down a number of video ideas and list them in the comments below and commit to making at least one great video this holiday season.
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